Birth 20.5 in, 7 lbs 11 oz 2 Months 22 in (48%), 10 lbs 11 oz (50%), 38.5 cm (48%) 3 Months12 lbs 7 oz 4 Months 24.5 in (60%), 13 lbs 8 oz (50%), 40.5 cm (25-50%) 5 Months 14 lbs 13 oz 6 Months 26 in (55%), 15 lbs 10 oz (48%), 43.5 cm (50%) 7 Months 16 lbs 12 oz 9 Months 28.5 in (80%), 18 lbs 6 oz (50%), 44cm (50%) 11 Months 19 lbs 2 oz 12 Months 29.5 in (60%), 19 lbs 12 oz (35%), 44.5 cm (35%)
Welcome! I am the mother of an awesome little girl - Orlaith Mughain! Hmmm... about me... I practice attachment parenting, I believe in breast feeding as long as possible, baby wearing is a way of life for us, before potty learning we used cloth diapers and it was easy... I am not granola but if there is an easy, green alternative I am all over it! I recently started giveaways and I am excited to bring great products to my readers!
hey pretty girl! you're all grown up!