Friday, June 19, 2009

Did she guess correctly?

Brandy: Well today was an exciting day. This morning Brian and I got up and had breakfast. Then we had a sonogram appointment. It should have been about 30 minutes long, but the technician took extra time with us. We got in an extra 30 minutes because she was trying really hard to determine the sex. My baby is so cute! It was wiggling all over the place, crossing and uncrossing legs, sucking on fingers, punching, kicking... we even got in 1 good flip! The baby also had the hiccups the entire hour! Every few seconds this tiny little image would jump on the screen as it had another hiccup. While I say it was cute, I am sure my baby thought otherwise. I HATE having the hiccups, so I do sympathize! They could not record the session on DVD so we had to tape it on VHS even though we do not own a VCR. We are going to convert it over soon though. I can't wait to see it all over again! So, the sex of the baby... The technician gave us a good guess, and she has been doing this a LONG time. We do need to wait until our 20 week sonogram to confirm, but I am glad we have something to go until then. Brian and I are both really excited. Did you vote yet? I want to see if all of you are correct!! Everything looked great in the sonogram. We are still measuring perfectly for a due date of December 14th. The baby's heartbeat was 157 bpm... not as fast as the last appointment with the midwife (163), but very close. I have already talked to or texted many of you today, and no one has gotten me to crack! It is not going to happen! You are going to have to patiently wait. I know it sucks, but your faces will be priceless to us when we get to announce to you the sex of the baby after he/she is safely in our arms. I am including 3 pictures from today... 2 profile views and a foot!


  1. That is so exciting! I can't wait to hear.

  2. I vote GIRL... the sonogram picture looks much more like a girl than ours does!

    How are you going to keep it a secret with everything you'll buy for her/him?

    Good Luck! This so gives me hope that we can find out on Monday

  3. I already registered for everything prior to the sonogram, so it is all gender nuetral!We are going to buy the bedding ourselves and keep the nursery off limits to everyone once it is decorated/painted. Trust me, I can pull it off! I am determined! :-)
